Functional FreeST

Table of contents

Primitive types and tuples

FreeST has the following primitive types:

  • (), the unit type, with a single value ()
  • Bool, can be True or False
  • Int, for integer numbers
  • Float, for floating-pointer numbers
  • Char, for single characters
  • String, for sequences of characters

From primitive types, other types can be built. Tuple is the first type constructor we study. A tuple can have two elements (Int, String) or as many you want (Bool, Int, (Int, Char), String).

Functions, functions everywhere

In FreeST, much like in every other functional language, everything is a function (or a composition of functions). To sum numbers is to apply function (+) to two numbers. To sum 1 and 2 is to write (+) 1 2. However, because function (+) is considered an operator, we can also write 1 + 2.

All functions must have a signature (a type), that describes both its parameters and return value. A function’s signature has the syntax <Parameter#1> -> ... -> <Parameter#n> -> <Return>. For example, the type of (+) is Int -> Int -> Int, a function that takes two integers and returns an integer.

To define functions, simply state the function’s name and signature and then its body. Let’s create our own plus function based on the (+) operator:

plus : Int -> Int -> Int    -- signature
plus x y = x + y            -- body

The function’s body consists of the name of the function, the variables described in the signature followed by the logic itself. Note that there is no return statement, this is because the entire expression is the return itself.

For functions that share signatures, we can define them together separating their names with a comma. For a function minus based on the (-) operator, we have the exact same signature as plus, so we can write:

plus, minus : Int -> Int -> Int
plus x y = x + y
minus x y = x - y

Functions in FreeST can have their signature and body separated, however we incentivize to not write code like this:

plus : Int -> Int -> Int

minus : Int -> Int -> Int
minus x y = x - y

plus x y = x + y

At first glance, functions can’t have more than one return type. However, functions might need to return two or more values. How do we do this? We take advantage of tuples to encapsulate multiple return values inside a single one. To exemplify, Function makeTwins takes an integer and returns it and its twin (a copy!) within a tuple.

makeTwins : Int -> (Int, Int)
makeTwins x = (x, x) 

Not all functions can (or should) be described using a single expression. To prevent this from becoming a limitation, we use let expressions which lets (pun intended) us store values in variables for later use.

betterDivision : Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
betterDivision n div =
    let quotient = n / div in
    let rest = mod n div in
    (quotient, rest)

Function betterDivision simply divides a number by another and returns both the quotient and the rest. We could write a single expression (n / div, mod n div), but this way it is made clear what is what. It might not be the best case to show this concept but it gives you an idea.

Furthermore, it’s through let expressions that we can ‘open’ pairs to access their elements (instead of relying in fst and snd).

main : ()
main = 
    let (quotient, rest) = betterDivision 3 2 in

For conditional branching, if statements are provided. Note that both the then and else branches must be present, so you can’t write just the then branch.

-- Returns the absolute value of an integer
abs' : Int -> Int
abs' x = 
    if x > 0
    then x
    else -x

Recursion, recursion, recursion, …

We want to write a function sumFirstN that calculates the sum of the first n natural numbers. Functions such as sumFirstN which require some form of iteration are translated to using loops. FreeST does not have any type of loop syntax, so how can we write function sumFirstN? The answer is recursion.

Trivially, the recursive definition of sumFirstN is: sumFirstN 0 == 0 and sumFirstN n == n + sumFirstN (n-1). In FreeST it translates to:

sumFirstN : Int -> Int
sumFirstN n =
    if n <= 0
    then 0
    else n + sumFirstN (n-1)

If you need to propagate parameters forward while in recursion, you can do it by changing the function’s signature to have them. An example is a variation of the sumFirstN function that accumulates the sum forward and returns it in the end (when n is 0):

sumFirstN' : Int -> Int -> Int
sumFirstN' n curr =
    if curr == n
    then curr 
    else curr + sumFirstN' n (curr+1)

However, every time we can, we prefer to write sumFirstN instead of sumFirstN' because of simplicity and readability.

User-defined types

You’re a novice programmer into this fictitious new project and you cross upon this function:

f : (Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int, Int)
f fun x = (x, fun x)

What is this? What are its parameters? What is the purpose of function f? Maybe it helps to know that a proper name for this function is calcFunPoint, but it perhaps is not enough. The biggest problem continues to be the confusing signature.

Preventing confusing signatures can be done if we create higher-level types that stand in for those we use, but that bare a clearer meaning. A better signature for calcFunY looks like:

calcFunY : Function -> Int -> Point
calcFunY fun x = (x, fun x)

Using these abbreviations (Function and Point) is done by creating two new types:

type Function = Int -> Int
type Point = (Int, Int)

User-defined types can be used in any place a normal type can, so you can write a type that uses another of your types:

type Circle = (Point, Radius)

Source code becomes more readable and provides more context to functions when we create and use these types.

User-defined data types

User-defined types do a lot to improve readability and code organization, but it sometimes is not enough. Remember type Circle:

type Radius = Int
type Circle = (Point, Radius)

We want to add other shapes such as Rectangle and Triangle. With just types we write:

type Rectangle = (Point, Point)
type Triangle = (Point, Point, Point)

For now there are no issues. Next we want to write a function calcArea that takes a shape and calculates its area accordingly. What is the signature of such a function? It either receives a Circle, a Rectangle or a Triangle, so it in fact has to be split among three different functions. Good programming practices teach us that it is best to use a super type from which all shapes derive from. We create a new data type Shape where all different shapes are represented by different constructors each with their set of parameters.

data Shape = Circle Point Radius
           | Rectangle Point Point
           | Triangle Point Point Point

A calcArea function then takes advantage of the Shape data type and a case expression to calculate each case separately.

calcArea : Shape -> Int
calcArea shape =
    case shape of {
        Circle p r -> ...
        Rectangle p1 p2 -> ...
        Triangle p1 p2 p3 -> ...

Data structures can also be recursive (in the same way as types). A binary tree of integers is defined as:

data IntBinaryTree = Leaf | Node Int IntBinaryTree IntBinaryTree